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Obesity, or excess fat, is a worldwide epidemic that is increasing day by day. It is much more prevalent in the US, Canada, and other parts of the western world. This does not mean that it is absent in Asia or Africa. The percentages might be lower, but the trend is upward only.
Read More: How to Lose Weight in 3 Simple Steps
Tips to Lose Belly Fat
A note on sex and gender.
How to Lose Thigh Fat
How to Get Rid of Hip Fat
Exercise and workout options
- Squats
- Side lunges
- Fire hydrants
Understanding Obesity .
Obesity is a state or a medical condition in which so much fat has accumulated that it becomes a health problem. This should not be seen just from a cosmetic point of view. While most persons may be concerned about their looks if they are overweight, the detrimental effects are not confined to spoiling one s looks. It predisposes one to various diseases like diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, spinal problems, arthritis, varicose veins, etc. A lot of these problems are related to high mortality rates. Therefore, one can easily say that obesity can directly or indirectly cause one s lifespan to decrease. The normal way to measure obesity is to calculate one s Body Mass Index or BMI.
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It is calculated as follows-. BMI-Formula-1( 1). e.g., if one s body weight is 75 kg, and his height is 1.6 m, his BMI will
be 75/1.6 × 1.6 =29.29. So the BMI comes out to be 29.29. Below are the figures to see the normal BMI and what constitutes obesity. A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered normal. Between 25 and 30, one is considered overweight, and anything above that is obese. BMI-1( 1). Causes of Obesity or being overweight (). There may be a lot
of medical conditions that can cause one to gain weight or become obese. Some common conditions that cause obesity are Hypothyroidism or Polycystic Ovaries in the case of females. In such cases, it is important to treat the underlying cause to treat obesity and control or lose weight. In other cases, where no medical condition has led to obesity, the causes are more related to one s lifestyle. The modern lifestyle is to blame for this. There is hardly any physical activity in today s urban life. One tends to have a completely sedentary lifestyle. The diet is full of calories. This may be due to an increase in junk food or packaged food. Today s diet is far removed from nature. Fruits and vegetables are consumed in much lesser quantities than they should be. Role of diet and exercise for weight loss or reducing obesity(). Diet and lack of exercise are the two most important factors contributing to obesity.
While the modern-day diet is becoming increasingly full of fats, sweets, and empty calories, it is becoming devoid of nutritious vitamins and minerals. The fiber content is also decreasing. One tends to stack up on junk food to take a quick bite while on the go. At the same time, physical activity is on the decline. One has increased access to vehicles, and the need to walk or cycle is almost absent. Even for commuting short distances, one uses cars or two-wheelers. All these things are readily contributing to this epidemic of obesity. One needs to work conscientiously and consistently on both the counts mentioned above to get rid of excess fat. One s diet must be altered to include more natural fruits and vegetables. Processed food and junk food should be cut down to a minimum. A daily exercise regimen needs to be adopted. Exercising for 30-40 minutes for a minimum of 5 days a week is necessary—homeopathy for Weight Loss or Obesity(). Talking of Homeopathic treatment for weight loss or to cure obesity, Homeopathy does not offer any wonder cure for this problem. Homeopathy helps by regulating the metabolic system of the individual. There are more than 100 medicines listed.
In the Homeopathic literature on obesity. It is tough to select the right medicine for a particular patient. One needs to take into account a lot of things before selecting the right course of treatment. These things relate to other symptoms or conditions that may be present, or the person may be suffering from. A lot of importance is given to the reason, if any, can be found that stimulated weight gain. This reason could be a particular illness, an event, or some psychological setback. The general reaction of the person to extremes of temperature and heating habits also needs to be taken into account. 5 Best Homeopathic remedies for weight loss or obesity or being overweight(). Here I list some of the most frequently used homeopathic remedies for weight loss or obesity. These five remedies are suited for different patients depending on the symptoms and causes of obesity. Therefore a careful selection of the right remedy for every patient is needed. At times, one has to go beyond this small list of medicines as only some cases can fit into the symptoms or indications of these five homeopathic remedies for weight loss. Here are the five best Homeopathic medicines for obesity or weight loss-. Calcarea Carb. Antim Crudum. Graphites. Ferrum Met. Capsicum.
A brief description of the indications of these medicines is given here. This does not mean that all symptoms of each medicine have been given here. At the same time, it does not mean that these five medicines can take care of all cases of obesity.
1. Calcarea Carb-
One of the best Homeopathic medicines for obesity in childhood (). When obesity starts early in life, Calcarea Carb is one of the best homeopathic medicine for obesity. It is a great homeopathic remedy for children who grow fat and is pot-bellied. Even the head is large-sized.
There is excessive sweating on the head.
This sweating is more pronounced while sleeping. The pillow gets wet when the child sleeps. The child is usually anemic even when he seems to be quite obese. People desire to eat indigestible things like chalk, earth, lime, and paper. The child is fond of eggs, salt, and sweet things. The child is quite sensitive to cold and can not tolerate cold air or low temperatures. The head remains icy cold. The digestive system is sluggish, and the child is often constipated.
2. Antim Crudum-
One of the best Homeopathic remedies for weight loss or obesity with thin legs(.). When the excess fat is centered on the upper body with the legs being thin and weak, Antim Crudum is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for weight loss. It is also a good medicine for obesity in young people. Such patients are quite fond of eating. This medicine is very well suited for known gluttons. He likes acidic things like pickles. The tongue has a thick white coating. There is a lot of irritability, and the person can not afford to be contradicted. In the case of children, the child is so irritable that he does not even like to be looked at. Such people can not tolerate heat as well as bathing in cold water.
3. Graphites-
One of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity during menopause(). When a lady tends to gain weight around menopause, Graphites is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity. Even at a young age, females have delayed menses. The patient may have a lot of skin eruptions
. The defining feature of this homeopathic remedy is that the skin eruptions ooze thick sticky discharge. The patient usually suffers from constipation. There is an increased sensitivity to cold.
4. Ferrum Met-
One of the best Homeopathic medicines for obesity with anemia (). When the patient has anemia despite being fat, Ferrum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity. The skin is pale, and so are the mucous membranes. There may be flushing of the face despite being anemic. The hands and feet remain cold. The muscles are flabby and relaxed. The patient is so weak that walking or talking can be difficult.
There may be palpitation of the heart that is worse by any and every movement. 5. Capsicum-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for weight loss or obesity with indolence(). When one is mentally and physically sluggish, Capsicum
is one of the best homeopathic medicines for obesity. The patient does not like any physical exertion and does not feel like doing anything that is not their routine. The patient is usually chilly and feels a lack of warmth. It is also a good medicine for alcoholics, and there are many cravings for alcohol and other stimulants. Digestion is slow and sluggish.

Dr. Priyanka Barge is a Homoeopath in Hadapsar, Pune and has an experience of 11 years in this field. Dr. Priyanka Barge practices at ShaAvi Polyclinic and Pathology Center in Hadapsar, Pune. She completed BHMS from Maharashtra Universtity of Health Sciences, Nashik in 2010 and Post Graduate in Homeopathy(london) from Hahnemann College of Homeopathy London, UK in 2013. you can book your appointment by paying a consultation fee of Rs 500/-
Please confirm after making the payment on +91 90968 57521 Dr Will contact you soon.
Clinic Details: Clinic Timing: Between 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM, SUNDAY OFF.
Clinic Address: Yashwant Homeopathy Clinic Shop number 7, Shiv Parvati Building. I , Road number 3, Tukai Darshan, Post – Phursungi, Tal – Haveli, Dist – Pune. PIN – 412308.