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Federal Reserve Board announces the appointment of eight … – Federal Reserve

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December 22, 2022
For release at 4:30 p.m. EST

The Federal Reserve Board on December 22, 2022, announced the appointment of eight members, including six new members, to its Insurance Policy Advisory Committee, or IPAC.
The IPAC, which was established by the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, provides information, advice, and recommendations to the Board on domestic and international insurance issues.
IPAC members have expertise in life insurance, property and casualty insurance, and reinsurance, and have professional backgrounds in insurance accounting, actuarial science, academia, insurance regulation, policyholder advocacy, capital markets, and other areas. More information is available here.
New Members
Elizabeth Brill
New York Life Insurance Company
Senior Vice President & Chief Actuary
Martin Hansen
American International Group, Inc.
Senior Managing Director, Policy, Planning, & Strategy
Robert Hartwig
Clinical Associate Professor of Finance and Insurance & Director, Risk and Uncertainty Management Center
University of South Carolina
John Howard
Truist Financial Corporation
Chief Insurance Officer
Steven Jackson
American Academy of Actuaries
Assistant Director for Research
Kristin Ricci
Oliver Wyman
Re-appointed Members
Julie Mix McPeak
United Services Automobile Association
Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Insurance
Joseph Sieverling
Reinsurance Association of America
Senior Vice President & Director of Financial Services
For media inquiries, please email [email protected] or call 202-452-2955.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
20th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20551



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