February 2023
Will insurance pay when a tree crashes down on your car or house?
If a tree or branch falls on your house or car, use these tips:
Many homeowners policies provide some coverage if a tree falls in a storm and your house is damaged or limbs block your driveway.
But limbs and trees falling in your yard usually aren’t covered. Call your agent or company to check.
If your neighbor’s tree falls on your house, their homeowners policy probably won’t cover the damage and tree removal, unless your neighbor was at fault. Your neighbor isn’t responsible for acts of nature.
If your neighbor’s policy doesn’t pay, you can file a claim under your own policy.
If a tree falls on your car, your auto insurance will pay for damage if you have comprehensive coverage.
Have a question about insurance? Call the Texas Department of Insurance at 800-252-3439 or visit www.tdi.texas.gov.
These columns by the Texas Department of Insurance are available for use in publications. They may be edited as needed and used without copyright. For questions, contact TDI media relations at 512-676-6595 or MediaRelations@tdi.texas.gov.
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