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DUI Lawyer Job Description

DUI stands for Driving Under the Influence and this can mean drugs or alcohol. If you are pulled over for this offense and cannot pass a test of exams, which are called sobriety tests and does not pass a breathalyzer then you will most likely be arrested. The breathalyzer test shows just how much alcohol is in your bloodstream and if it is over the legal limit, you are considered DUI. When this happens, you will need to get in touch with a DUI lawyer. This professional will represent people who have been charged with drinking alcohol that results in you being over the limits set by the laws of the state will driving a vehicle. They will be the one that handles all aspects of your case.

When you first meet with your DUI lawyer, they will explain all of the possible scenarios with you if you are convicted of DUI, which can include:

• Fees

• Fines

• Jail-time

• Revoked or suspended driving license up to twelve months or lifetime suspension if they have repeated offenses

• A set number of hours doing community service

• Court ordered alcohol rehabilitation if you have many convictions.

The scenario can be one or more of these possibilities. If they are an experienced DUI lawyer, they will challenge the arrest. They will try to convince the Court to reduce the sentence or lower the charges. Many times the lawyer will dispute if the police officer was within their constitutional rights to stop their client’s vehicle. The lawyer may also question whether the testing that was done was accurate. The DUI lawyer will make sure that their client understands what is happening, what will happen in the months to follow and clarify any legal issues. The lawyer can give their client details on what sentence they can expect if this their first DUI charge or if this is just one of many DUI arrests.

When they go to Court, there are generally several hearings. It will start with a hearing at the Department of Motor Vehicles and the last hearing in the State or County court. The lawyer will attend each hearing and advocate for their client

It can be overwhelming to choose a good DUI lawyer, especially if this is your first offense. You could look for one on the internet or the phone book but the best way is to ask someone that you know who has been in this same situation. When trying to decide which DUI lawyer to hire consider their experience and fees because some will charge by the hour while others charge a flat fee. In some cases, if you cannot afford a lawyer you may receive help from a public defender.

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